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Returning to Work After a Car Accident: What to Know

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It’s understandable to be anxious about returning to work after a car accident. For some, experiencing a major injury can leave you concerned about whether or not you will be able to perform your job duties. Others might still be riding on adrenaline that pushes them to return to work sooner than they should. Regardless of how you’re feeling, it’s important to know what important steps you should take before returning to work after a car accident. Let’s go over some important things to keep in mind when you are going back to work.

Follow the Advice of Your Doctor

Following the advice of your doctor will help with both your physical recovery and potentially any financial recovery as well. After a car accident, your doctor will put you on a recovery plan that will likely include follow-up doctor appointments. It’s important to keep up with these doctor’s appointments as a way to make sure that you are recovering as planned. If you are entitled to compensation as a result of your car accident, your compensation may be impacted if you do not follow through with the advice of your doctor.

Provide Your Employer With a Doctor’s Note

When returning to work, it’s important to provide your employer with a detailed doctor’s note. Your doctor’s note should include any limitations that might be put upon you because of your injury. It’s also important for the note to include how long these limitations will exist for you. In some instances, it may be helpful for your doctor to list duties or tasks that you should avoid. This will clear up any miscommunication between you and your employer. It will also let your employer know exactly what to expect from your return and what type of activity you can and cannot engage in. Clarity will not only help your employer be on the same page as you, but it will prove beneficial in keeping you from re-injuring yourself

Dealing with Re-injury

If you re-injure yourself while on the job, it’s important to let both your employer and your doctor know right away. Re-injuries can cause more harm if not assessed properly. When you visit your doctor, they may adjust your recovery plan and may require you to take more caution as well as observe more limitations. By letting your employer know about a re-injury, your updated doctor’s note will not appear out of the blue and will allow your employer to accommodate you accordingly. Even if it’s not a full-blown re-injury, letting your employer know about any new or persistent pain associated with your injury will allow you both to stay on the same page.

Don’t Rush Recovery

Another critical aspect of returning to work after a car accident is not rushing recovery. In certain circumstances, it can be tempting to get back to work so as not to lose out on compensation. However, if you return earlier than recommended, you not only can cause further damage to your injury, but you could be a liability to your employer, especially if you don’t disclose the extent of your injuries to them. Returning to work sooner than you should is not only unwise, but it can open up a slew of unintended consequences for both you and your employer.

Speak With a Personal Injury Lawyer

You are entitled to certain rights and protections when you are returning to work after a car accident. In many instances, you’re required to follow through on your medical and employment obligations in order to receive compensation for your injuries. Lost wages and income can be recovered from the negligent driver as part of your car accident settlement or judgment. At Burke, Schultz, Harman & Jenkinson, our dedicated team of attorneys will help you navigate the nuances associated with returning to work after a car accident. Contact us today to speak with someone who will give you guidance on your case.


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