Why Get an Attorney After a Car Accident?

If you were injured in a car accident, you are not legally required to get a lawyer to help out. You can file your claims with your insurance company or the at-fault driver. However, an experienced personal injury lawyer can help ensure that you take all of the steps necessary to recover all of the compensation to which you are entitled after a crash while avoiding common pitfalls that can limit your recovery or even make you partially liable for a collision. Continue reading for a few good reasons why you will benefit from retaining a seasoned and knowledgeable West Virginia car accident lawyer after your traffic crash.
Maximize your settlement
Insurance companies and defense attorneys will try to get you to accept a low-ball settlement in order to end a matter quickly. If you are facing mounting medical expenses and other costs, it can be tempting to take an early settlement to get cash and/or coverage. A personal injury attorney can, however, help you calculate the full value of your claims so that you are not pressured into settling for a mere fraction of your claim’s total worth.
Handling negotiations and legal headaches
Your personal injury attorney will deal with your insurance company and the insurance company of the at-fault driver, as well as any other relevant parties, so that you do not have to. After a crash, you should be allowed to focus on your physical recovery. Haggling with insurance providers is a tedious, difficult endeavor, and dealing with these negotiations while trying to manage your recovery is going to harm both processes. Your personal injury lawyer will also ensure that you do not sign away more rights than you should while going through the settlement process. Additionally, if your case does go to court, it is vital to have someone acting on your behalf who understands the legal processes and procedures.
Identifying all responsible parties
Car accidents are often more complicated than simply filing a claim against the at-fault driver. Depending on the circumstances of your accident, you may have a claim against the driver, their insurance company, the driver’s employer (trucking company, taxi company, delivery company, etc.), the vehicle manufacturer, and even the state or local government that designed the road or intersection where the crash occurred. Maximizing your total compensation may require a detailed understanding of personal injury law, the principles of liability, and experience identifying the various parties involved in an accident. West Virginia personal injury lawyers deal with these complex issues on a daily basis and can help ensure that you get the monetary recovery owed to you.
If you or a loved one has been injured in a car crash in West Virginia, contact the passionate and effective Martinsburg personal injury attorneys Burke, Schultz, Harman & Jenkinson at 304-263-0900 or (304) LAWYERS for a free consultation.